Sunday, 25 November 2012

New Beginings

Hi All,

Welcome to my blog.  This is a concept I have been toying with for a while but haven't had the guts to embark on  it.  After speaking to a few people who have encouraged me to go ahead with writing a blog, I have decided to accept the challenge. It is my intent to use this blog to share with you tutorials of projects I embark on and hopefully inspire you to get a little more crafty.  OR even step outside your comfort zone and try new challenges. 

So I will start of with  little bit about me and we will see how we go!! I am a 30 something mum of two beautiful children master 3 and miss 18 months i may be biased but they are the most beautiful kids in the whole wide world.   Married to a man that I truly do not deserve.  He's a good man (yes I know noone says 'oh my husband is an a-hole' on their blog but I think i got a good egg this time :).)  UMMMM! what else is there to tell.  Gosh I hate the about me sections. 

Here at home I have a little corner of my loungeroom dedicated to my 'scrap space' it is 2 metres by 2 metres at best but it is the best I can do.  One day in my dream world I will have my own studio to hide away in but for now I'm happy with my little corner of the world. 

I really hope you enjoy following my craft travels and I would love for you to share with me projects you complete from my tutorials.