Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Play dough time

I have a pet hate.

This pet hate is playdough.  I hate it getting smooshed into my carpet.  So up until recently it has been banned in my house.  When we were living in a house full of floorboards I was happy to have it around as soon as we moved into a house with cream carpet, goodbye playdough.

At our last paediatrician appointment for Master 4. She told us that due to the EDS and hypemobility in his fingers (essentially they are like rubber) that he may have trouble writing and with other fine motor skills, and an occupational therapist will have to be consulted later this year.  Before the change to Primary School.  While speaking to a girlfriend who is a primary school teacher about this she said "I know you wont like this but as far as fine motor goes, playdough is the way to go". OH MAN REALLY.

It had to be orange... Master 4's favorite colour
I procrastinated over this for a couple of days.  How do I get my head around the play dough in the carpet.... Then a couple of Saturdays ago I woke up and a friend on Facebook had a playdough activity table she was throwing out and wanted to know if anyone was interested.  OK I looked at that as a sign.  So we sadi yes please and proceeded to make some playdough.  I really like the thought of play dough from scratch,  but the recipe I have always used uses 4 TBS of cream of tartar.  Thats alot of cream of tartare, almost the whole tub.  So It comes down to remembering to buy some everytime I need to make a new batch.

At first I though Oh god what did I do wrong.  But keep stirring it will work
While perusing Pinterest (I mean who doesnt these days), I came across this recipe. and it only uses 1tsp  of cream of tartar. BRILLIANT.  I did add the essential oils, however I question as to whether adding them to hot dough will alter their therapeutic qualities. But hey I have pretty smelling playdough.

Getting Master 4's tick of approval. Actually he was
convinced I was fibbing when I said it was too hot to
 play with yet, and had to see for himself

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